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need help with a dream interpretaion please

by Anonymous - 11/27/12 9:41 PM
Hi, I had this dream i had a baby boy but he wasn't a new born he was like a 4 month old baby he was even able to stand i breastfed him from both breasts but he was still hungry. I was told in the dream that i was sterile and don't have a uterus or ovaries and this baby was given to my by a miracle and it is mine. I loved this baby but when i woke up i had a non happy feeling that there is something wrong. In real life i have 3 girls happily married and a devoted christian. please any answer would help.

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RE:need help with a dream interpretaion please

by Mbali - 12/05/12 11:44 AM
Hi I just saw your post, I would suggest you pray about the dream because only God can reveal the misteries of Dream, from what I pick up the 4 month boy, is a situation in your life that has been around for four months, this situation weather good or bad I am not sure is never satisfied, hence the hungry child no matter how much you feed it, the situation is not there because of something you did hence you were sterile etc, whether good or bad I am not sure, I believe you need to sick gods guidance on this matter, if good how do you go about feeding this blessing, dream, opportunity so that it may grow, if bad how do you stop it from draining you. this is just my take on it get your own revelation from God, you should test all spirits and prophecy and interpretation so that you will not be lead astray. may the good Lord give you wisdom and understanding.

RE:need help with a dream interpretaion please

by TheAnthem - 12/19/12 8:30 AM
Hi, Anonymous. I don't know the meaning of your dream (I'm here to read up on color symbolism and to post a vision I received); however, it caught my eye that the baby fed and fed and wasn't filled. I'm not a dream interpreter, but it's a gift I desire from the Lord. I will share what I think and briefly two of my dreams that have the same theme (feeding and not being filled).

It seems to me that the dream is definitely about a negative aspect in your life: you have three girls, but in the dream, you have a boy; you also are said to be sterile without ovaries or a uterus. I consider all of that bad (i.e. the dream is indicating something is wrong as you felt when you woke). The boy feeds and feeds and isn't filled (and feeds from both breasts; that indicates to me that 'he' wants to hog all your attention and drain you completely). Here's my brief interpretation (I believe there is more; the Lord will reveal and confirm the real meaning to you): it appears that you have a parasite of some kind in your life that is draining life from you in some way. Did you perhaps want to have a baby boy at some time? Or did someone else want you to have a baby boy? Did you feel guilty for not having a boy? The baby boy appears extremely intrusive-- thrust on you, given to you though you supposedly are sterile and have no ovaries or uterus. It seems the enemy has something in your life that he wants to use to steal all your attention (a baby tends to 'steal' attention from the other children and the husband). The overall of this dream, I believe, is telling you that there is something in your life that is stealing something from you; in the dream, your fertileness, ovaries, and uterus were 'stolen' from you IN EXCHANGE for this baby boy who is not a part of your life now. It seems the dream is from the enemy but that the Lord allowed it to shed insight (on a part of your life where the enemy has inroads or access to steal, kill, destroy) so that you would become aware of it. He did this with me before. God's People are 'destroyed' for lack of knowledge, and often times, we don't know we are being destroyed... until the Lord allows or gives a dream or vision like the one you had to give insight that, just as you said, "something is wrong". I hope you have some people you can talk to face to face who are discerning and who can help you shed light on the issue.

And briefly, I had two dreams about eating and not being filled. One was in '00 where I was in an all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant and ate forever but was never filled. (Through some people, I got the interpretation to be that I wasn't being spiritually fed in my church at the time and that it was time to move on.) Then just last Friday, I had another dream where I was at some type of party and ate and ate pizza but was never filled. I didn't receive the meaning till I obeyed the Lord and wrote it down; at that time, He immediately revealed that it meant that I'm not being spiritually fed where I am and that the time has come to move on. He then brought the dream from '00 back to memory, and sure enough, I realized this dream also means it's time to move on. I believe the Lord gave or allowed your dream to give you insight into something negative that wants to be a part of your life, take up all your attention or/and energy, and keeps feeding on you but never 'grows up' (i.e. never goes away; remains to keep feeding)-- something that is really 'mature' but only appears to be a baby so that it can continue feeding (which is why it could stand; it really is not a baby but appears that way; I believe it is from the enemy). I hope this helps you out greatly. God bless :)

RE:need help with a dream interpretaion please

by tammy - 1/01/13 5:41 PM
baby represents new life. God will be doing a new thing in you, but in order for it to grow and flourish you have to feed it the right food it needs. look to God for help.

RE: need help with a dream interpretaion please

by Anonymous - 1/07/13 11:43 AM
this dream means That u had an abortion some years ago probably when u were very young u had some complications however u have had u children u need even thou u have changed around u life to repent of this sin an the holy spirit is reminding u of this passed situation so that the enemy cannot use it over u later down also if u husband does not no u should tell him expose any darkness so that the devil will have no strong hold

RE:need help with a dream interpretaion please

by Isabel - 1/07/13 8:09 PM
i feel the baby is someone in your life who is a young christian who comes to you for guidence and all though you help this person with the word it seems not to fullfil him and yes this person might be sent to from God but sometimes helping someone can make us feel overwhelmed and feel like we really havent accomplished anything. but dont worry becouse
Gods word never goes out void and just think of the things God has given to you to say to him that they are like seeds planted and in do time they will grow and God is working under the surface this is only for a season Satan comes to discourage us but all we have to do is rebuke him
and stand still and know that our Lord is God

RE:need help with a dream interpretaion please

by chioma - 1/17/17 3:05 PM
I was giving write Hank a chief in the dream as a gift and I also give the person Hank a chief as a gift too what does that means

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