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The original Language was Hebrew

by apostle Brendetta Campbell - 12/17/16 5:58 PM
Yahshua Ha'Mashiach spoke Hebrew not greek so Yahshua said he will build His qahal .Ge_means Earth in the latin ans sus means Pig so the name Jesus is the earth pig But Yahshua is the name above every name and Christianity is a lie and it is tied to pagan roots . We were not called Christians this was a name given to us by the non believers we were Kingdom Believers who fellow Yahshua ha mashiach not christ the sun god or tammuz whatever you want to call him . that name and given to men by the Catholic Church who are very much into Sun God worship . Yahweh says we are His Kingdom sons and daughters his Qahal not anything greek the devil is a lie .

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RE: The original Language was Hebrew

by Anonymous - 8/17/19 9:12 PM
Very good truth telling. I have some knowlrdge to share with you as you are advanced and will appreciate this."Iesuos" is how OT Joshua's name is spelled in the Greek translation of the Seventy interpreters which was produced in the 3rd century B.C. by sanctioned faithful Israelite elders anticipating the Messiah. In reality, in Greek (which doesn't have the letter H) I before a vowel sounds like a Y. The Apostles actually wrote 'the memoirs' in Greek, regardless that the first memoir (Matthew) was first written in Hebrew / Chaldean / (Syrian). And they didn't find any problem in transliterating Yahshua's name into Greek or using Christ instead of Moshiach. There are over 500 variants of our Saviour and King's name in the whirled world and He is merciful and compassionate and humble and loving and understands that we are living in the realm of Ba'al, the author of confusion. Surely, He doesn't judge or expect His children / sheep to all be on the level of the few such as our selves who are avid in quest of knowledge of El Shaddai. He didn't select rabbis for apostles, he chose uneducated and common men for the inner circle, and those men and women in the outer circle were all pretty much similar, remember the rich vis' a vis' educated have an extremmely hard time to overcome possesiveness and be in the Kingdom of Heaven, in comparison with the meek and humble who mostly fell into the poor category. I have listened to and watched many testimonies of individuals who He came to and not one said that they used a different name (i.e. other than the typical) or that He ever told or said to use a nother name than the individual knew. Please think again and research and you will be relieved of this desire to clue beleevers in and may re-direct your energy into evangelism which is essential, a command of Him. If you don't use the English names we all know, people won't know who you are talking about. And if one was bring up the real name to other than beleevers who are already friends for a while, it will be failing to show yourself a workwoman approved of God correctly dividng (going directly to without detour) the Word. Basics. The basics are extremely hard enough to grasp for those the Holy Spirit is openning up to hearing and receiving the Good News.

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