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Who is Isreal

by Anonymous - 8/03/10 8:42 AM
God divorced Israel (Jeremiah 3:8); The House of Israel (10 northern tribes) was dispersed into other lands (2 Kings 18) as a result of that divorce; God will again betroth her to himself (Hosea 2:14-19) and give her a new land. (2 Samuel 7:10).

These "lost" 10 tribes did not just disappear off the face of the earth. If you are reading this most likely you are part of those "lost" 10 tribes. They traveled West over the Caucasus mountains and thus became known as "caucasians". The new land given was the USA, new jerUSAlem.

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RE:Who is Isreal

by Valpuia - 6/28/12 1:55 PM
I DO remember my first taste of grace.Something I leenrad about grace is that one has to be aware they they're in need of it before it can be fully received and appreciated. For a long time, I didn't understand that I really needed grace. Unlike Gomer, I was always fairly righteous looking on my own; that was what other people perceived, and that's what I perceived too. I knew grace was there, but it existed to me in a conditional form; IF I needed grace, it would be there for me. And I did need it every once in a great while, so I was grateful it was there in those instances.But there came a time when my perspective changed. I began to see that my own righteousness wasn't as shiny as I thought. But I also found out something else that was even better. Even if my righteousness had been as brilliant as I had believed, God's was even better. Glowing enough to make mine insignificant.But rather than that bringing me shame, it was some of the most freeing knowledge I have ever gained. I don't have to try to measure up anymore, which is so great a relief because it's impossible in the first place. Once I realized that, I became acutely aware of grace, I felt it, and I treasured it.Life knowing that I'm nothing without God's grace and that he has given so much to me anyway is so much more beautiful than I would ever have believed.

RE:Who is Isreal

by intercess2 - 11/22/12 1:57 PM
I can't help mentioning that I had 3 wonderful Jewish friends (non-Christian) before I had Christ. Since then I've found Jews who have become Christians to have a superior attitude. They, and this is in different geographical areas, just don't believe a Spiritual anointed person is on the same level. Has anyone else experienced this I wonder?

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