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by Anonymous - 5/11/09 4:09 AM
I have been seeing 113 for years, i'm not sure if there is a meaning however everytime I question or query it with a friend it will show up in one form or another allowing me to point it out to the friend.

example; 3 years ago (ish) I was explainging it to a then flat mate, it wasn't the deepest of conversations threw it out there for his explanation.

the next day we went to rugby training and on the score board of the (empty) cricket pitch next to us was 113?

could go on all day with stories like this.....

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RE: 113

by Ray - 11/13/20 10:49 PM
113 was the seat # for the Steve
Bartman guy that lost that World
Series for the Cubs with the ball
he reached for. Everything totally
fell apart after that. He couldn't
leave his house for years. Threats

RE: 113

by Ray - 11/13/20 10:55 PM
The doomed Space Shuttle flight of
Columbia in 2003 was the 113th of
the program! Just read it before I
found this site. Freaky.

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