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222, now 333

by Anonymous - 3/28/19 3:04 PM
Last night I awoke and the clock read 3:33 which prompted my to write this. I began seeing the number 222 about 15-20 years ago, the exact time it began I am not sure. I did not assign any importance to the number and did not give it much thought. If you are seeing a recurrent number you already understand the circumstances of when and where you see it. My brother had passed away in February of 2003. I never really thought about on which day he died as it was a bad memory and I chose to think more about his birthday rather than his death day. My father passed in 2015 also in February, on the 22nd. It was then that I realized there was something about the number 222 as the 22nd was also the day my brother had died. My father lived about a three hour drive from my home and it just so happens that the exit number to get off the freeway to go to his home is, yes, 222. I then began to rationalize. The same date of death: odds 1 in 365. Not crazy odds, but rare. Add to it the exit 222 and the fact that my attention had been drawn to the number for 15-20 years, very rare.
I do not know if this is relevant but.... I have been dreaming of family members and friends who have passed away all of my adult life. Several times a week. Most times the dreams are vivid and the type of dream that you can usually recall the details upon waking. If I am in the right frame of mind I can recall them on demand. Sometimes even dreams that I have forgotten will reemerge in dream as a reminder and I realize I had forgotten it or not thought of that person in a while. Often if I am thinking of a deceased person just prior to sleep I will dream of that person that night. I do not know how often other people dream of the deceased but most people I have asked tell me not often. The dreams are always good dreams and always comforting.
Getting back to 222: At first I figured every future February 22nd I would lock myself in the house until the day passed. Upon research I discovered that seeing and noticing triple numbers happens to many and is nothing new. Much has been said about it and this is my opinion. At present all I can say with confidence is that God exists regardless of my definition, detailed beliefs or acceptance, God is. As is the case with my dreams, 222 has been a reminder to me that God is and that there is an afterlife. It has been a comfort to me. For the couple of months I have been also noticing 333. I have recently been researching my families ancestors in earnest and have made some new discoveries as far back as 150-200 yrs. Finding their names, dates and details has put me in touch with the history of their physical existence. From what I have read 333 means that I am discovering that I have a broader connection with the spirit of God than I thought I did. Perhaps I have also been in touch with my ancestors' spiritual existence. Perhaps my ancestors are letting me know this to be true. Paul 3/28/2019

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