3 Comments for 23

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by Fire - 3/14/17 2:13 AM
The number 23 appearing or showing it self to you means that there are powers in the universe looking out for you and are willing to help you reach your maximum goals.

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RE: 23

by Anonymous - 9/28/17 1:53 AM
I totally agree. I have this nimber thrust upon without any clue as to its meaning.It kept appearing at all places, at all times etc. It went on for almost 30 years. All of a sudden , one day, I had an awakening. To cut the story short: through this no. someone( an angel or some enlighten being ) is trying to guide your life.From an atheist to agnostic, I am now a committed Christia. Mystically and mysteriously the number led me to Psalm 23. For the moment, that will be it. Search for your meaning. It will come to you but NEVER think of it lightly. It could bring disaster.

RE: 23

by Some call me Papi Chulo. - 10/05/18 6:23 AM
I was cruising these questions answers and insights on 23 since well the enigma is becoming a sick joke the universe is playing on me and I’m going to take your advice as vague and ungivingly optimistic as it is I will manifest 23 million dollars 23 virgins 23 militaries mightier than the tyrannical terrorist regimes that exist and of coarse a 23”

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