4 Comments for 23 lion king

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23 lion king

by todd - 11/10/13 12:16 AM
Lion=23, king=23 Christ=32

3 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 23 lion king

by Anonymous - 12/04/19 12:38 PM
What do you mean? Lion 23 king 23
My sonsbirthdsy is 7/23.lio king is his movie. Wow now I a more confuse about seei g 23

RE: 23 lion king

by Anonymous - 4/07/21 10:54 AM
People don't understand there was another king, that was suppose to rule the nations with a rod of iron; and it was God's will. (Revelation 12).

RE: 23 lion king

by Anonymous - 8/19/21 6:26 AM
yeah and it's not the jewish Moshiach who is the anti christ....he is the king of abominations who will be cast into the lake of fire...judaism and christianity do not go together..They are the anti thesis of each other hence why religious jews pray each day for christianity to be destroyed...why they are told in the talmud to spit on the sidewalk every time they walk by a church.....why they can lie to the goyim and deceive them in order to destroy them and gain their eventual RULE over humanity....The jews are trying accomplish that right now with their COVID/DIVOC BS........the kill off and means by which to implement their jewish supremacist communist globalist rulership....Destroying our nations within with moral degeneracy and destabilization......true evil 23 is at work in the world but their end will be sudden and harsh...good luck with that...Mr Rabbi

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