3 Comments for 32 contriversal

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32 contriversal

by faith - 12/20/17 12:14 PM
I see 32 all the time everywhere ever since i was 10, i couldnt ever figure out why

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RE: 32 contriversal

by Something massive going on! - 1/13/18 4:02 AM
The satanic 'elite' is using numbers 32,33,36 when there's some heavy deep operations going on.. They are usually using mainstream news and many times they use entertainment sections. There's coded messages added. Count the values of names. It seems to be the case that they use vowels and consonats separately, and also the whole word.

This are some forms of name they use.
For example:

"John Doe", "John D", "John Dee", "JDoe", "JDee", "JohnDee", "JD"

Also if there's some numbers added, "John3", then count it like: John+3

John3 = 23

This is something you must practice by yourself, you will get it with time, but I must tell you that the communication has stepped up BIG time in the last 3 months and during this 2 weeks in January 2018 it has gone so high that it indicates something's going to happen, something 'massive'.

There's many sources guessing that there's something happening during January 18. 2018 or near that date, before/after.

RE: 32 contriversal

by Anonymous - 1/25/18 8:21 PM
Could you expand on this in more detail?

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