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333 of course

by Stacy - 8/05/16 2:28 AM
So glad to know I am not crazy the # is everywhere. I think it's s warning too and not everyone sees this, I'm so amazed at how many people do though, if anyone would like to talk about this text me everyone thinks im nuts too but I KNOW I am not.

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RE: 333 of course

by Anonymous - 8/21/16 5:36 AM
You are not crazy. Or I am crazy too. Love and light 😇

RE: 333 of course

by Anonymous - 9/24/16 2:59 AM
I have been seeing these numbers for so long too. It started with triple numbers, which I saw for almost 7-8 months and then they stopped. Now after 2-3 years I have started seeing them again. Started again with triple numbers, but now I see all of them, doubles, triples, mirror numbers. I thought I was going crazy too, but now after reading this blog I am so confident that something good is in store for me and for all of us.

RE: 333 of course

by Anonymous - 10/11/16 11:08 AM
For YEARS!! Gas Pumps, Cash Registers, Houses, Phones, License Plates etc etc..convinced that some time some one will explain it to me

RE: 333 of course

by Anonymous - 10/11/16 11:13 AM
I would wake up and look at the clock for MONTHS at 3:33. I then would say "im not going to look, not going to look" Minutes would pass, then I would look and 333! Comes and goes but has been part of my life for many many years.

RE:333 of course

by Sarah - 1/05/17 12:33 PM
I go through times where I too look at the clock and its 3:33 doesn't matter if its AM or PM. I will also say, I'm not gonna look and always look at 3:33. This would scare me because it always happens when I watch Ghost Hunting shows regularly (I also start to hear whispers, footsteps and hear things falling). On those shows they say 3:33 is a mocking of the trinity or "Dead" time when spirits (demons) are most easily contacted. I used to get totoally freaked out BUT God DID NOT give me a spirit of fear and he that is in me is greater than he that is in the world! When I see those numbers come up now I praise God. I tell him how much I love him. I took back those numbers and turned them into praise. Guess what I rarely see 333 anymore. If I do I turn it to praise!!!

RE: 333 of course

by Anonymous - 2/20/17 1:38 PM
Hey Stacy,

You're definitely not the only one. I just saw it now. I have been seeing 333 for a few years now and seem to take it as a good sign!



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