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39 bad or good?

by lynne - 6/08/12 12:23 PM
I started dating this new guy and since that I've been seeing nr 39 a lot...What does that mean?I don't know if it means that I'm waisting my time??Somebody told me that is a sign that is not going to work between us.

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39 definitely good

by vlaushin - 6/14/12 3:01 PM
If you see it in association with a person is because that person will be temporary in your life(by temporary I mean at least 10 months and max 5 years),but the relationship with that person will be rewarding on the spiritual and material side.If you see it before taking a decision or before going somewhere or initiating something it tells you that the universe is working for you and is going to help you to choose the right path.So relax you are being looked after,you'll get what you want and need.39 is an auspicious number.

RE: 39 bad or good?

by Anonymous - 6/29/14 4:10 AM
100% .its like agent 007 working for god to help every persons on the eart .and thanks god and his angels for showing numbers to kep us safe on every way.

RE:39 bad or good?

by antifreemason - 7/21/14 10:20 AM
11,3,7,6,9 are most disgusting unlucky numbers , the rest of the numbers are fine, worst are 36 and 39

RE:39 bad or good?

by George - 8/13/14 3:46 AM
Disgustingly unlucky? Interesting choice of words. I've encountered number 6 many times and number 36, but I never deemed them as unlucky. If number 6 appears many times in a number sequence and more than once for me it means to be cautious. If it happens to appear more than once it means to change something you were doing in words, thoughts and actions. Something of what you're doing or about to is wrong. Something similar with 36. As for number 39 is not only lucky but a number of Divine guidance. Never led me wrong and I encountered it so many times it's scary and amazing all the same. Especially when I was worried about the outcome of something when I saw this number I knew everything would be alright. And number 44 also. God speaks to us in every way, if we care to listen is another thing.

RE: 39 bad or good?

by Anonymous - 6/18/15 9:15 PM
He is a man 👨 one with GOD don't let him get away go get him girl

RE: 39 bad or good?

by Anonymous - 6/18/15 9:20 PM

RE: 39 bad or good?

by Anonymous - 7/11/15 2:34 AM
I have to contradict you, when you see the number when you think about that man, when he calls or when you are with him, is a sign that that person will bring you only heartache, headache or problems. Is more like a lesson that you choose to go through. At least in my case, it means this. I was stubborn and carried on with people even though I saw no. 39 constantly, but going through so many experiences I've learned the meaning of it. Good luck!

RE:39 bad or good?

by Omens........ - 1/21/16 4:16 AM
Don't listen to them as they are full of the fear vibration. It isn't correct to listen to that.

In the case of fear, it would be fear of losing him versus fear of him - this won't lead you to the truth, just confusion and pain.

As far as 39 goes, its an extreme number, for good or ill.

It means this person will either be great for you, or will be very bad.

It will not be a mediocre memory!

I suggest caution but not fear. In addition I suggest to take precautions without letting the other person know. Protect yourself, but with a plan - not with fear.

Test this person but not too harshly and not too often. Let them reveal themselves to you, once you see their actions to be very good or very bad - the truth will be revealed. Have no fear.

RE:39 bad or good?

by Anonymous - 12/10/16 9:03 PM
So we know less now than before. .what we don't know is,more than what we do...witch makes it pointless

RE:39 bad or good?

by Chris - 2/03/17 12:51 AM
I recently discovered that my spider veins clearly show the number 39 on my leg...any ideas what this could indicate?

RE: 39 bad or good?

by lynne - 3/15/18 5:53 PM
A few years ago I wrote the above comment and now I can tell you what it has meant. The man that I was seeing at the time turned out to be just temporary in my life as other friends that had 39 in their cell number composition. They are all gone from my life. I got married last year to the man of my dreams and since meeting my husband my 39 occurrence has diminished radically to seeing it every few months (from at least 10 x a day) and only in conjuction with a situation, like being late for an appointment, some tension that’s coming...

RE: 39 bad or good?

by Anonymous - 1/05/19 1:42 PM
Trust only god read the book of signs

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