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47/pineal gland/planet/animals/decisions/danger/possibilities/awareness/GOD

by doesn't matter - 9/24/15 1:15 PM
I think the number 47 is relevant to the pineal gland. I believe that the pineal gland is much like the reproductive organs in the sense that there is some level of awareness towards these organs and as age increases this level of awareness also increases. Therefore, there exists the possibility of dramatically affecting this level of awareness through certain experiences(important).So to a certain degree you have a certain level of awareness that you might not fully understand, but you will still have a level of awareness. The more you understand what you are experiencing and how it correlates to your body, the more you can "use" these "skills" and "grow with your awareness".

I have my own level of awareness that also will continue to progress. I too, even with all my knowledge and experiences I've had, know very little of the pineal gland and how it correlates to the body. But I do know this, the pineal gland plays a much larger role in our bodies(&perhaps elsewhere) compared to our attempted understandings.I believe that the pineal gland is the "third eye" or "sixth sense" of the physical body. I believe that the pineal gland serves to alert us from danger, it helps us to predict or "see" certain things before they happen(or perhaps see multiple if not infinite possibilities as opposed to one or a limited amount of possibilities). I believe one of the pineal glands functions is to aid with making decisions. Much like the ability for animals to make decisions and do certain things we might view as strange or unexplainable. I believe that there is a possibility that we are structured to this planet(&perhaps elsewhere), much like the animals, and our pineal glands guide us in making decisions on this plane.

The answers exist inside of ourselves. The only way for you to truly understand what you are experiencing at any level, sounds simple; go out, use your free will and listen to the voice within(your consciousnesses?sure). You will experience people, love, pain, hate, empathy sympathy, greed, etc (&something I will mention in the end). The difficult part is listening to the voice within as there are many others who are on the same path as you, who will have their own voices from within(important).

Essentially this should be everyones goal, no matter what level of awareness you have, understand what you are experiencing so you can continue to increase your level of awareness. Eventually you will come to the point that many of us know, "All is Illusion, only Love is Truth". Our awareness seems ever increasing but does it have a limit? I believe the true limit is GOD, we can only push to better ourselves in attempt to understand who we truly are, what we truly are. Doing this is extremely vital as it can help remove many obstacles that you may have or will encounter. Then we can help others also to help "grow with there awareness". First it starts with your "self".

Listen to yourself (listen to yo self', treat yo self'!)

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