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A huge solar flare will hit Earth on May 4th, 2013, knocking out the worlds power grids...

by Anonymous - 3/18/12 12:43 AM
A giant solar flare hit Earth in 1859, and it is known as the "Carrington Event". It is agreed by NASA and the US National Academy of Sciences that another "Carrington Event" like the 1859 giant solar flare would end civilization as we know it....Millions would die.....(No electricity for months or maybe more than a year....) No electricity means no money, no food or water, no anything. It is also ironic that the US 1896 5 Dollar Education Note which had the theme of "Electricity as the Dominant Force in the World" had it's final design approved on April 10th, 1896. May 4th, 2013 is exactly 117 years and 24 days after that currency approval date in 1896. If one multiplies 17 times 117 and uses that result as years, and subtracts those years from the year 2013, one comes to the year 24.....That is for the 24 days after the exact 117th year anniversary of the 5 dollar education note that was just mentioned. (Remember it is exactly 117 years and 24 days from the 1896 currency approval date until May 4th, 2013. There are more reasons involving the number 17 and other issues that point to the May 4th, 2013 date that I can not go into here that involve proven information from God.

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RE: A huge solar flare will hit Earth on May 4th, 2013, knocking out the worlds power grids...

by Anonymous - 3/19/12 9:30 AM
Great Mystic Cross of Hendaye is 117. Created in the 17th century. Has the code 2012 in title. The rest of the numbers add to 13. On the monument is an angry sun a bursting star, four ages and part of the moon. The name Hendaye is a town in Spain/France close to border. The name Hendaye is coded with End Day. Yes it will be the sun. This is the forth age going into the 5th age which will be set by fire. God only knows the timing. We are in the time that the solar flares are at there peak until 2013.

RE: A huge solar flare will hit Earth on May 4th, 2013, knocking out the worlds power grids...

by Anonymous - 10/20/14 8:25 PM
Hebrew for 2012 is 5772,or as Hebrew reads from right to left
The reciprocal for 117 is 5772 + 2775.

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