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creepy guy

by Anonymous - 10/15/17 5:34 PM
i was in the book store and i was looking at witchcraft books with my friends just out of curioity and a man walks up to us while looking down at his book and just says very calmly "go to page 23, it keeps coming to me" so out of shock i turn to the page and it is about the devil. He points to a word on the page and says something like "the God", then pulls out his phone and takes a picture of the page. He then says "look up baphomet" and casually walks away. So we look it up and it is the horned devil. I have never been more terrified in my life, his presence was just terrifying.

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RE: creepy guy

by Anonymous - 11/09/17 8:11 PM
Baphomet is a conglomeration of different ancient symbols for the goddess. It has been shown that when using the Atbash cipher system - Baphomet is actually Sophia. Sophia is the ancient goddess of wisdom.

The number 23 is special because it is the number of the Hebrew alphabet that is unknown at this time - it is hidden. Right now we only know of 22 Hebrew letters. In the time of the Messiah the 23rd letter will be revealed. And it is the goddess. The Hebrew alphabet is what God used to speak existence into being. So the 23rd letter is essential for the Messiah.

Do not be too shocked over the thought of goddess worship. Early Christians did indeed worship the goddess.

This man was simply trying to impart a little wisdom which is difficult to do when people do not want to hear it. It shatters their reality. I am so glad my reality was shattered so I could finally see God's vision of reality.

RE: creepy guy

by Purple - 9/08/18 11:18 PM
Stay away from that stuff, beloved, and focus on Jesus who is coming. He's beside you right now keeping you safe. Don't fall into a trap.

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