4 Comments for Faith above reason part of the process of trancending your ego ..faith in jesus christ

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Faith above reason part of the process of trancending your ego ..faith in jesus christ

by Jim - 9/25/11 9:59 PM
Trancend your own egoism and recognise that placing faith above reason really means creating part of your own ego death. It.s free by accepting jesus christ as your saviour... Which seems so uncool these days...hmmm eber wonder why.... Realise that the economy is a ponzi scheme. Egoism is 666. Our own selfish desires in our mind who do we really side with when everyone is watching...do you publically witness jesus? Buddism,taoism,hinduism,new age...it,s all cool and easy to pledge allegence to... But why when you say your christian is it so unnacceptable? Mabye societal perception is Skewed this way for a reason. Anyways... Personally .. There is a reality by unconditionally letting go of your egoic ..vain... Idea that you know it all ... True faith above reason may result in something equivilent to seeing a new colour... You can describe it to anyone else... But you see it.
Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment.
Or stay where you are in pursuit of knowledge, wealth, power, respect, fame,beauty etc...
They always leave you wanting more... People only realize this when they are going to die.. Some never do.
So if your here... You must be one of those types searching.... I read pilgrims progress .. As it is good christian mysticism... That has been lost over the years... Helps explain the confusion when you trancend your ego and die to what you know today is real. Valley of death for me was ego death. Conquor the fear with acceptance of jesus.... Ego death is not easy but worth it ... Economy is fake, war is a racket, moral corruption is everywhere, you have what you think is fun but you are not happy".. Faith above reason .

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RE: Faith above reason part of the process of trancending your ego ..faith in jesus christ

by Steve - 9/29/11 5:45 PM
There has to be reason behind faith, as faith comes by hearing the WORD, and that itself becomes the reason for faith..otherwise such faith is blind! Faith is not just an abstract idea (blind faith), but rather a meaningful reality with practical outworkings by virtue of the Holy Spirit. Rom 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God". A number of people who profess to believe in Jesus Christ claim that it's all sufficient just to believe (to have faith) that the Kingdom of God is purely within for example, and therefore not something tangible. Yes, in a very real sense the Kingdom of God is potentially within each of us, however, it is also going to be a reality upon the earth when Jesus returns, and there will be signs to herald the second coming. The book of Revelation is about Christ's second coming, and like most prophecies the book of Revelation is Israelcentric. The Revelation describes the irony that faces the nation of Israel, and the utter destruction that Israel (the beast) will experience before a remnant cry out to God for deliverence. God has unfinished work with Jews/Israel especially as the Zionists are trying to create their own version of heaven on earth, by means of international finance and usury to establish "Peace and safety" for themselves. The Lord has even bigger moneychangers tables to overturn when he returns, especially when that money has been used to fund the deaths of millions through wars, terrorism, starvation, poverty, and a host of other evils, just to make a quick buck (hundreds of trillions actually)for themselves. Look at the Rothschild's Timeline if you get a chance..see the corruption, and yes God is using such people to fulfill His Will. The governments of the world are in the pockets of the "666/beast", they borrow from the IMF a Rothschilds owned bank..look at the BIS a sister bank to the IMF which deals specifically in gold. "He Who owns the gold, makes the rules"..so they think!! Shalom, Shalom.

RE: Faith above reason part of the process of trancending your ego ..faith in jesus christ

by Jay - 10/12/11 4:27 PM
Evidence follows faith . Faith does not follow evidence. Faith above reason in Jesus christ. This faith overcomes your own egoic desire to lead yourself and let god lead through the holy spirit.
you don't get what you want... you get who you are by faith in Jesus

RE:Faith above reason part of the process of trancending your ego ..faith in jesus christ

by Enrique - 3/02/13 11:34 PM
Romans 10: 13-17 says:For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not beevlied? And how are they to beevlie in him of whom they have never heard?c And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has beevlied what he has heard from us?” So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

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