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God spoke first...then light

by Martha - 7/28/12 7:42 AM
God *said*...128Hz = 11 (if one follows numerology) = Perfect A

"Let there be *light*..432Hz is the frequency of light = 9 = perfect C


AC...hum...alternating current, flow...waves..up and down.. Draw the number 8, the symbol for infinity. Do you see the top flowing counter -clockwise and the bottom clockwise?

Sound and light. Remind you of lightning? Ever see ball lightning? I have and it is astounding. The flash and the sound happen simultaneously.

Those are the only true frequencies...all the others have to be rounded up or down.

Total = 20...God's Algorithm/God's number...the shortest route to create order from chaos.Discovered by Kent State math students using a LOT of computer time. His SOLUTION...5x4.

5 is the number that appears in the center of the "Yin/Yang" symbol. Aether...the fifth element. The "heavenly" element. Represented by a 5 pointed star Or the symbol of man...head + 2 arms, 2 legs (extremities move)...Vitruvian Man by da Vinci.

From a book called The Secret of Light: "There are but multiples of three in all My universe." (11 strings (string theory) are really 5 + 2 joined + 5). The 2 joined "strings" are the origin.

Keep in mind, Gaudi said, "The straight line belongs to man, the curved line belongs to God."


Look very closely at 4He7Li. Yes..11 numerically. HeLi from a Bibical standpoint.

He is one...Father, Holy Ghost, Son. 101. From a different standpoint...photon, virtual photon (has mass and is +1 and -1 = 0) photon.

The Trinity.

The first and the last...the alpha and the omega = 1.

I am surprised by the number of persons making "connections".

Have no fear...life goes on...from energy(which contains mass) to mass (which contains energy) to energy...

2 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: God spoke first...then light

by Anonymous - 11/30/12 8:46 AM
I was born was born in october 03, 1969. it sum up to 101. whats the sinificances of that. Allen alfonson Dennison I am Christian Minister and researching biblical numerology. imformation is very interesting.

RE: God spoke first...then light

by Anonymous - 12/26/12 3:33 PM
CORRECTION: In 1973, in Akita in Japan, the Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Agnes Sasagawa and for this day she received daily messages in these appearances. The statue of her convent, an exact copy of the Our-Lady image of all Nations, poured tears on 101 occasions. Just like the appearances in Amsterdam, the messages of Sister Agnes refer to the Virgin Mary like redeemer with the Christ. One day, her guardian angel appeared to her with a Bible opened. When Sister Agnes recognized the passage of chapter 3, verse 15 of the book of the Genesis, the angel explained to her: "There is a meaning to the number 101. It means that the sin has entered in the world by a man and it is by a "woman" that will come the salvation. The zero between the two 1, represents the God eternal, being of all eternity until the eternity. The first 1 represents Eve and the second, the Virgin Mary." The Father Yasuda, the spiritual director of Sister Agnes, commented that this passage of the Genesis is considered as the first gleam of the salvation, the first promise of a Saviour, made by God. It is also the first verse of the Bible referring to the Immaculate Conception of Mary, who never was under the domination of Satan.

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