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going on 3 years now

by Matt - 1/13/11 3:09 PM
For the last 3 years of my life I have been seeing this number (117) all around just like everyone else seems to have been on this site. I never really worried about why I was seeing it all the time, I always just thought it was amusing that I would notice it as much as I did/have. As far as some numbers game/hidden meaning behind it, I really believe that is all well and good, it could even be right. It could also be wrong though. Maybe it is something that we notice now subconsciously because we have seen it so much. I personally am a Christian, and believe the Lord reveals himself in many ways to us. Could it possibly be through this number that we all seem to see every day of our lives? Perhaps, but I feel that if the Lord is trying to give you a message it may be more direct than some puzzle that we feel we need to solve. We have to keep in mind that the Lord presents us with opportunities to bring glort to him everyday, just like we see this number everyday. That is what the number 117 has become to me. It is a daily reminder that there is more to my life than just me. Life is not about puzzles/codes that we feel the need to solve or decode. It is about bringing glory to God, in whatever manner or situation that He provides for us. So do not let the number 117 "haunt" you or take control of your life. It is there, everyday just like many other things in our lives. Turn it into something positive. When you see it like I do every day, let it be a reminder to yourself to be the best that you can in every way that you can. That way if the day or situation ever arises that 117 turns out to be more than just a number that we see, we will be more than ready for whatever task we are asked or feel compelled to do ;)

p.s. This is the fist I have ever heard of anyone else seeing this number every day like I do, so it is nice knowing that I am not alone. I tell my friends about it all the time and none of them believe me, but I do not let it bother me, haha. Peace

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RE: going on 3 years now

by Anonymous - 8/16/14 5:40 PM

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