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help please, super deep info, idk what to think

by call me "C" - 4/04/13 9:28 AM
I have gifts, first of all. This runs in a particular blood line of my family, and it is only us certain females that have it. I have dreams that show great symbolism, or that let me know when someone is going to die, and I'm also sensitive to spirits. Call me crazy, I don't care. I don't do witch craft crap or anything either. I know better. I was raised Christian with some Catholic traditions (I'm part Spanish). My grandmother promised to be my guardian angel a week before she ended up in a hospital, and passed away before my very eyes 2wks later. She was the mother I never had. She had told me that her mother used to visit her in her dreams to warn her of things to come. Well, my grandmother does this for me as well. I am getting married soon, I am faithful and so blessed to have him. March was the month she passed and I've missed her greatly. She came to see me last night in my dream
She led me away from some of the women in our fam who were mindlessly chattering amongst themselves. We walked to a whole seperate area that reminded me of an outdoor church like area. Then she had chalk and started drawing. She wrote a 6 and then another 6 above it, but upside down. She then drew a triangle near the (bottom right side up) 6. She was trying to show me how to write it. Wtf does this mean?! She's usually happy when she sees me, but this time she was solemn and strong.there is more to the dream but this so long, forgive me. I'm in my early 20's and have a lot of life experience for my age. I feel so lost with this though. Any help, not ridicule, would be appreciated. And for the record,my future husband has the same birthday as her! Lol. Weird. My gma &I were the same astrological sign, a lot more odd coincidences but I'll stop hah. Thanks for ur time. ~C

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