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Meaning of this number

by Lukas - 8/08/13 8:05 PM
I really want to know the meaning of this number, 117. I see it so much more than I used to last year. I'm in the Navy and I see it through the Navy a lot and also I feel like it is through GOD or one of the GODs. I just can't explain this at all. I got on this web site last year on 8-10-12 and said how much I see it, but, now this year is much worse for me seeing it. IT'S EVERYWHERE I go!

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RE: Meaning of this number

by Anonymous - 12/05/13 11:03 AM
Ask yourself what am I doing? In the Navy..ask what is the Navy doing? If there is a deeper meaning or mystery here? Is everything as it seems? Start questioning the surrounding you are in when you see it. I believe it is related to finding out the truth is layered into different dimaensions. But even after I think I know ..I dont. I used to think it was a good sign...but lately (the last couple of years)...I think it is warning me of something....its trying to help me...but the truth I am finding out is very very bad. Look in the Bible and check the verses of the Bible. Thats what I did. IT was sort of helpful.

RE: Meaning of this number

by 117 - 12/24/13 11:12 PM
i have seen this number too, i can say everyday now for the past few months, and many times a day. TO THOSE THAT SEE THIS NUMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE...

In the crazy series of events that this number reveals itself, there is an influence that must be a cause, if we are to assume this is an effect. what that cause ACTUALLY is and what IT IS SAYING, i think is the true MESSAGE.

the cause, is greater than we currently know and its message is becoming more and more clear.

Almost every reference to 117 is directly linked to a theme of the beginning and end of a cycle.

I PERSONALLY BELIEVE IT IS A MESSAGE THAT WE ARE ENDING/STARTING A NEW CYCLE. This number is revealing that there are things much deeper than we can see and control.

RE:Meaning of this number

by Unknown - 5/15/14 7:54 PM
I have been seeing this number in my writtings,or drawings.I think it means we are not alone.I think maybe aliens are trying to talk to us through numbers.117 is a very important number!

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