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Meaning to be patient

by Sean - 12/13/13 10:44 PM
This past February I met a man through certain circumstances and on our journey together the book Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams fell from out of my purse. I picked it up to put it back but he took it from my hands. He fiddled with the pages and asked where I was in it. I said perhaps the middle. When he asked what the secret to the universe was I blanked and so he told me to " keep reading". When I traveled back home I played with the book but could never get myself to read it. I had his army picture that a previous teacher of his had and gave to me because she is now my teacher. I looked at one night knowing I needed to hid it so I hid it into the same book. Just slid it in at complete random. For months before and after that happening I had become frustrated with the fact that I needed to know the enfamous secret to the universe but I just couldn't stay still reading the book. One night came on a Thursday when I grew sad of him not being around and so I opened the book to his picture. I fiddled with it before coming curious onto which page I slid him too. And on that page the character Deep Thought revealed that the secret of the univerise is 42. Since then I began to do the oppositve of completely repel this number from my life and would see it at a constant. One day I decided to do the numorology. I found that 4 is relative to hardwork and labor, 2 is relative to rest and peace. Where my coming goal that year was to write a book based on the both of us and our adventures into a graphic novel. I decided that it was God's way of saying that if I continue to do hardwork (on my novel) than I would finally enjoy a long ease of rest in a large home with this man that I love so dearly. I have become frustrated since that now I see it absolutely everywhere, yet only when I am not thinking about him or the boook or even the number itself. I feel mad almost sometimes and I sigh or maybe smile. I saw it again tonight, about a year after this whole "revelation", and it was after laying up from going to bed with a boy who I fancy, the time red 3:42 and I looked to him with pity and checked my phone. I had gotten a tex message from a mutual friend of mine and the 42man saying that he had written her a note to deliver to me. This caused a furry ofcourse in me internally. Fore I had also theorized it meant that I should not forget him since his remark made me look for it but his picture brought me to it and so now everytime I see the number 42 I yearn over a past lover whom I must wait on for another year with no contact.

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RE: Meaning to be patient

by Sean - 12/13/13 10:47 PM
It also makes me believe that it is God's test on my willingness to stay faithful to him which I have failed. I am not sure where to go from here..

RE: Meaning to be patient

by Anonymous - 12/13/13 10:48 PM
we're not even a couple, nor married, nor been. Just a good fellow human whom I feel incredibly attatched to for an unknown reason that always makes me look to God who always then reminds me with 2!!

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