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number 11

by maya scholar - 4/13/11 10:00 AM
The #11 produces the most important integers in Our history: 11,22,33,44. Jesus would be 2011 yrs. old this year. Jesus is the Double for Adam. Double Jesus' age and you get 4022, the year of Adam's creation. Add Adam's date of birth to Jesus' age you get 6033, Adam's age this year, with 33 being Adam's age when he sinned (died), consequently Jesus' age when he died. Now , this year (2011), and this year only, everything is locked together providentially, thanks to Adam's sin, and can't go any further. Jesus and Adam formed the Divine life cycle of mankind that would now repeat itself every 6033 years.(6033+2011=8044-double 4022) 2011 is the end of the first Adamic/Jesus life cycle. Jesus' life-for-life ransom will be fully paid this year! There is no need for it to be repeated! Who knows what's going to happen after that? But, like the end of the Mayan calendar, be prepared for anything. (Oh, by the way, that's where the Maya got it from, the Bible)> This is the real story behind the number 111 currently on the internet about matching your birth date with your age to get 2011 and any combination thereof. But notice the unique matching of two DIFFERENT people, Jesus and Adam, and how they get the results for each other. It only works for them, and this year, 2011, only because, remember, their dates of birth and death are locked together by God. Try it!

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