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by Rav Boodhi - 7/30/11 6:36 PM
Hi Everyone! Here is something else to consider. Not sure it has been mentioned here before.
In Jewish gematria the number for temple equals 444. The number for house equals 412. The difference being 32.
Okay. What does all this mean? What is a building? Well you are. I am. Everyone is. The world is. Etc etc.
Each of receives our number "412" at birth. This is the gift received from Creation through the Creator due to the work that already been done in evolution. 412 represents your body and the work that has been done to make your body.
Now, your body includes work that has been done on the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the animal kingdom. Think of it like a pyramid. With our mineral being being our bodily foundation.Next level of the pyramid up is the vegetable kingdom. Next level of the pyramid is the animal kingdom.
So all these kingdoms are in our body and are represented in our body and make up our body at birth. This together is the "house" that we receive upon birth. And it's a great house.
But as all things in creation are ever upward and onward, this house must be added to. So we are here to add to this house. Add to the "412" that we already have been given and that makes our house.
There is a saying "As above, so below. As below, so above." This means that we can understand higher spiritual realities, or the mechanics of spirituality, by observing the world below. In fact. The things of the spiritual world are mirrored and thus reflected into the material world. So while there is always some distortion in mirror reflections nevertheless we can get some good ideas of general processes.
Anyways. The human vertebral column is made up of 33 vertebrae stacked on top of each of each other from bottom to top.
This column represents the current path of evolution we are on in that we are now to add the "33" to the "412". Yes I know that makes 445. Just wait.
Each vertebrae is in effect a piece of consciousness that we add to our house. And as the vertebrae become less dense and more lighter as we move up the vertebrae column, so is our path up consciousness levels.
"Moving up" into higher consciousness involves moving into higher and more subtle dimensions. When we eventually move up, rung by rung like a ladder, up our vertebrae (consciousness) then we add each level of new consciousness to our existing "house".
Sure. This may sound all esoteric but it really is simple. We are here to make the "house of the Lord". But we are not here to make a house at all. When we add the 32 to the 412, we get 444. And 444 is the temple. We become the "temple of the Lord" at that point. The temple of Solomon, if you will. The 33rd step, or the ascension step, is when we move beyond the temple. Think age of Jesus when he died.
So. The path of evolution to your templehood and beyond is already encoded in your body. Now it's just a question of working with the Great Whatever and doing it. Or better yet. Allowing it.
Why do we see the number 444? It's just a reminder that, in truth, you already are this temple. You just need to open your eyes and see.

5 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Numbers

by chris - 8/30/11 3:08 PM
Thats good..thats worth chewing on mentally.

RE: Numbers

by Anonymous - 10/01/11 9:25 AM
The first temple the blueprint of man?


by Anonymous - 10/03/11 6:50 AM
The answer is in The Torah and Hebrew representation and symbolism of the numbers throughout ALL of Torah. All leading up to Zechariah 1:7 prophecy (located elsewhere in Torah and the prophets too). But this verse specifically refers to the FOUR of the ELEVEN ELEVEN month/kodesh (holy) . Four "horns", four "carpenter" ,....the key to the "four corners" (of the alter) given in Zech 5:15 "..."they" shall be filled as bowls as the (four) corners of the alter." too much to go over here. Best thing I can recommend is finding a Messianic Jewish congregation because they teach Torah and understand the last days mission of the two witnesses and bringing the houses of Judah and Israel together.

RE: Numbers

by dee in humility - 1/04/12 2:51 PM
wow cool,,i also seen 444 44,also stood infrontof an orange sun an recieed healing vibration,,i pray evry night,,in front of this craft burning orb with waters of vibration i was tested,,ive seen a master my selfthink it was jesus i appeared as a child with him..im being refined for sure maybe punished also.but i love him either way and need and want him,,as much ,,no way more than my dad i want the father,i see the odd spirit daily ,,but carnt hold my mouth as i get excited..i also spout theorys..i have gone through a terrible 10 years,,carmel mount sounds about right,,i see stuff an put stuff together now were before words ment nothing ,,like doc tor ,,prac tice,,bar, i now the true job of the secret sects of the pyramid now but must keep it quiet as it comes from above..it truely is a great thing what is happening,,once you get your head around earth like this aint ment to go on,,aand color dont matter,,its whats in your heart that counts all becomes clear...after all i went through its backed of now after the crescendo with the orange firey vibration,,i feel much betterbut feel a desir to have contact conection with god more,,anyway i got a number shown me infact it was carved with some sort of tool it aint 444,1111,333,and no its not 666

RE: Numbers

by Em - 2/18/18 12:32 AM
This makes perfect sense

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