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one more thing . . . .about God

by Charlie - 10/14/16 4:40 PM
I cannot OVERSTSATE that for the past 18 mos. I feel as if God has forgotten me, and I've almost lost faith. Here's only a FEW things to hit me HARD: My wife did a 180 degree personality turn, and now, the only woman I ever married has ripped my heart to shreds. The cat I had developed the closest, most deep bond with (Maverick) My "little buddy" for 16 years was diagnosed with oral cancer last year, and for 61 days, 24 hours a day, I kept him as comfortable as possible, giving him IV's for fluid, liquifying his food, feeding him with a syringe, cleaning his face and loving him as best I could, with ZERO help from my wife. I didn't sleep or eat during that time. I paid no attention to my OWN health, and ended up in the hospital 2 days after I had to let Maverick go. I lost 36 pounds in those 61 days, (all muscle mass) became very sick, then fell into a very serious depression. I LOOK like I'm 75 years old at only 56. So, with no family, and my wife ignoring me, I truly thought God would comfort me. Instead, more things have gone wrong, my wife mismanaged my monies, she didn't pay my health insurance (unknown to me until I began to get what is now over 10 thousand dollars in medical bills) my credit is ruined, I'm broke and totally alone. I developed ulcers and Barret's esophogus, chronic insomnia, chronic spinal pain, and non-stop heartbreak from the woman I love so much. Where is God? I would really like to know, because I'm very close to giving up.

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RE: one more thing . . . .about God

by Ruth - 10/15/16 3:38 PM
Please dont lose hope in God Charlie..... only he can fix and heal your heart and restore your health .

RE: one more thing . . . .about God

by Anonymous - 10/17/16 8:38 AM
Iam come that you may have life more abundant. Now it shall spring forth! Shall ye not know it? ??
dont give up

RE: one more thing . . . .about God

by Ian Salt - 11/03/16 9:15 AM
Hello Charlie,

Wish you peace and happiness, sorry to hear about your cat.

I was actually thinking about stray cats recently and watching them on YouTube, when I was younger, we, (that is, me and my family), had a cat called Emma. Perhaps she was not a stray, as far as I can remember, but the important point, I think, is she did not grow up with us.

I recall trying to play with her and she hid under the playpen I and my brothers had been put in as children, I still would not stop trying to play with her and then she scratched me!

Sorry, don't know where God is but I hope you have a peaceful and happy day.

Ian Salt.

RE: one more thing . . . .about God

by Anonymous - 11/16/16 2:36 PM
He is there and honestly you can not know the good without knowing the bad. We were promised free will with no interference. Your wife is exerting her free will, God is not making her do these things and nor is he going to stop her because of free will. I am so sorry for you for your cat but I am happy that your cat has gone home... Free from pain. We hurt here because we do not know That is just a drop in the bigger picture and it is meant to learn from. In your case,i see a human loving another spirit so much and sacrificing so much is lifting to me... To know that someone is capable of such devotion and love is amazing... You are amazing!

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