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same story as you all here, 67 everywhere all the time!

by pluto67 - 6/14/16 1:12 AM
I stay positive usually and from what i have learned, when i do see the number 67 i think of it as God keeping me aware of my spiritial relm. Its reminds me everytime that God will always be with us. We may or may not see the end of times in our lifetime, God bless us all, but one way or the other, here on Earth we could never have good without being able to differentiate with its opposite which is evil. To have one you must have the other. I have witnessed alot of both good and evil in my days. Everytime evil was close by me i would have a realization of how real the sliritual war really is around us working very hard everyday. God arranged things to align just perfectly. Everything happens for a reason, nothing is just a coincedent. Satin in always gonna be jealous of Gods great love for all his childeren. Satan tries his hardest to destroy Gods childeren that he has had all this time to become more and more jealous of. But God will always win, Gods childern will always be Gods childeren. No matter what happens, ir enlightens me each time i see 67. And trust me, i see it atleast twice a day, everyday. An my loved ones around me ive noticed the number 67 will follow them too. When i make my loved ones aware of it they come back sometime later to tell me off the wall experiences with 67 following them very frequently also. God bless

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RE: same story as you all here, 67 everywhere all the time!

by Anonymous - 5/07/17 4:15 AM

RE: same story as you all here, 67 everywhere all the time!

by Anonymous - 10/03/17 11:49 PM

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