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The number 73 is the key to predicting the future

by DA:14 (Dee John) - 9/30/19 10:00 PM
This is Sheldon Coopers favourite number and his explanation for this can be easily found on the net. It's worth two minutes of anyones time.

On 7/3/73 comet Kohoutek was spotted in the sky as a symbol of the coming messiah.

41 years later to the day flight M(essia)H370 disappeared as quickly as Kohoutek had appeared.

What Sheldon Cooper didn't mention was the most important part. Raj suggests you flip his favourite number it spells a rude word.

But what word qould Sheldon have if he done the same as Raj and flipped 73?


Sheldon neglects to mention that the 73rd day of the year is 3.14.

Understanding the hidden code of 73 encoded in the calender future events can be predicted.

73 is the code that DArre14 Aranovaski talks about in his breakthrough film Pi

Essentially EL is Pi is GOD the 216 digit number of the true name of GOD

His mentor Saul lives at number 73 and is told that it is a doorway to predicting future events.

Those of you growing up in the UK will be very familiar with the red door of the number 73 TV show as a nice syncronmystic hit.

On 3/7/73 the director Jay Duplass (J Dee) was also born. His debut film called Jeff who lives at Home is about a man who follows the signs of life to uncover his true purpose in life.

You gotta watch out for the signs. If you blessed with the number 73 the universe is reaching out to you. When life reaches at a time like this it is a sin not to reach back and it will haunt you for the rest of your days.

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