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This is a trick, simple as pie

by Everyone here - 11/22/11 3:34 PM
People. Almost a year I had been seeing this number over and frickin over. I was so freaked out. People are using it it to try to lead you into some following. Listen. All you have to do is ignore it. It is the devil trying to play a trick on you so that yu will think that evil is following you and you must bond to others for a higher calling, but when you do he has you in the trap. I started looking at the meaning of numbers in general and instead of JUST this one. Some people believe that other spirits, Angels, and maybe demons in this case, are trying to use numbers to communicate a message to us, or misguide us in this case. Once I started concentrating on the possibility of being communicated through spirits with numbers and opened my eyes to other possible combinations I started seeing insane amounts of triple digit numbers many times in sequences, many times in quick succession, and always the meaning were relevant to my thoughts and the events at the time. If you have gotten this far, you must believe this can happen, because it is. What I did was started to consider that the number 66 sis not mean anything bad at all, or maybe nothing at all, but I opened my mind that spirits could be able to contact me through the method of manipulating the numbers I see around me. I stopped seeing 66 and now I see everything else. The angels or my spirit guide, or whatever is talking to me all day like this and it is always positive and uplifting, or a gentle warning, never doom and despair. Here's what I suggest. If you "see" numbers some evil force has infiltrated your thoughts, blocked the good numbers from coming in, which was the true intention of your gift and is trying to coerce you into some cage. It uses the number 66 b/c it is close to 666 enough to raise alarms and has the implications of the above, but it can't use the number 666 because that is a special number, and the Angels use that number to "warn" you of evil! So get off the 66 and educate yourself to use your gift!

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RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by Anonymous - 11/22/11 7:31 PM
Don't you believe that something good can happen from something bad? I don't think 66 is bad but it sure has a lot of people thinking and that's not a bad thing. Many of these people have had a spiritual awakening as a result. I believe that something or someone is trying to communicate with me and others. I think if someone has gotten to this point, they don't believe that 66 or 666 is bad but an indication that they have some gift or have been chosen to communicate with spirits or angels. This is not a trick. Either you believe, look or listen or don't believe and forget the whole thing ignoring the numbers.

RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by Anonymous - 11/23/11 6:42 AM
You are right it is all about a spiritual awakening. Your entry is 11/22/11/11/11/which adds to 66. I see that because I'm spiritually awake. The more you awaken spiritually the more one will understand the meaning and source of numbers. For me there is only one source that is God after that all are either messengers or students . Some messengers are greater than others some are less and most are students. The vast majority are students let say 99%.

RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by chico - 11/17/13 3:46 PM
its not evil,not in my case,if it was ,decernment is given to us who love God,i feel no bad presence in my situation,everyones is probably different,Godbless everyone try getting a library card and I did about almost 2 mos ago,last 2 nunbers on it are 66

RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by Anonymous - 12/08/13 7:06 PM
might be telling us that the antichrist is at hand ,right around the corner,revelation from God perhaps''

RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by Anonymous - 12/08/13 7:09 PM
its not a trick,specially where it shows up,different cities,on the internet,buses,tv,email,text,library card,bank account #,food orders ticket #,

RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by Anonymous - 3/06/14 2:59 AM
thts what im thinking

RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by Anonymous - 7/23/14 4:44 AM
OK people I don't know everything but it seems to me a lot of are making an easy task harder than it should lets get some things straight God is everwhere including on your TV and at the movies try using good program sense and turn your TV or viewing time into a pack of Tarot cards = Kabbalah = numbers words sound light colour
try also looking at key historical events based on 66 ie 1966
666 = the number of man = 18 the moon (illusion and other stuff) = 9 the moon again check Beatles number 9 because it just keeps repeating it self over and over again 9 = magic number is always reciprocal of itself
now 666 + 6 = 24 =6 (the solar number)
if you believe that computers are evil then consider DOS = the father in spanish = ABBA the father and a rather famous group ( can anyone tell me the secret to the word ABBA (its quite logical)
The Bible has many misquotes and magickal flaws in it only those above the Abyss can see the light in it
ie Why would Jesus say " Satan get yeh behind me?" last place I would want that ??? to be
One second he is THE son of god next second he is son of man?
IF I make him the pivot of my spiritual desire how the hell can I possibly "love my neighbour" just as much??? and how does that fit in with "thou shalt bear no false Idols" because many of you would fire that arrow at Buddha Krishna Lao Tzu Mohamed etc etc etc
If you where dead and in Heaven would you want to be brought back to Earth? by some one and how would you eally know who was back in that body anyway?
YHVH = INRI = Jehovah = ???? (basic occult knowledge) oh and Jesus used to be Jesu (intersting eh?)
66 = 12 the Hanged Man 1 + 2 =3 (sounds like a trinity to me)
Now maybe I have said to much but for your amusement check this out
9/11 = Americs emergency number 365 days in year 3+6 =9 6+5 =11 oh god its 9/11 again MORE Gemstone carved with Abraxas, obverse and reverse.
In the system described by Irenaeus, "the Unbegotten Father" is the progenitor of Nous, and from Nous Logos, from Logos Phronesis, from Phronesis Sophia and Dynamis, from Sophia and Dynamis principalities, powers, and angels, the last of whom create "the first heaven." They in turn originate a second series, who create a second heaven. The process continues in like manner until 365 heavens are in existence, the angels of the last or visible heaven being the authors of our world. "The ruler" [principem, i.e., probably ton archonta] of the 365 heavens "is Abraxas, and for this reason he contains within himself 365 numbers."
9 + 11 = 20 THE AEON or old school JUDGEMENT
PS if you dont believe me about TV etc read a "course in miracles"
Hope you enjoyed my little essay but this vow of silence is killing me and sometimes I just erupt Lots of Love and light " do what thou wilt" and find you inner teacher who will reveal all things if you dare
Every man women and child be a star

RE: This is a trick, simple as pie

by Anonymous - 10/06/14 11:33 PM
66 is from god,he shows it everyday to me all the time,im saying it if you dont believe me,oh well.......but anyone in here dont believe in Jesus or GOD,your loss...i know i dont deserve this kind of attention,but he has found me worthy to send out his message........i love you GOD you have been amazing

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