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by jesse - 6/01/11 5:34 PM
if god is real why do i work at a dead end job full of rude people and tell me why should i keep praising himn plz tell me ill be amused how u can convince me

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RE: why

by jp2009 - 6/13/11 9:15 AM
God gives us a choice. Also, not sure if you work in gov't section but speaking about religion is against the law in certain work environments. Think about looking elsewhere. Also, don't participate in office gossip. Try hard to ignore. Pick up a physical activity like cycling or gym. Stop eating fast food. If you want change, change yourself and your surroundings. Might be hard but success is work.

RE: why

by jj - 11/16/11 10:14 AM
dear non beleiver everytime i have been at my wits end in tears and asked God a specific questions on my knees crying I swear Ive gotten answer immediately.next time your that much in despair try and see what happens

RE: why

by Jae - 11/28/11 5:36 AM
I'm not a believer in "God" as a "big man in the sky." But I don't discount the creative power that brought about the Universe in which we live. As Wallace Wattles says in his book, "The Science of Getting Rich" there is a "Thinking Stuff" in the Universe. Esther & Jerry Hicks in their book, "The Teachings of Abraham" refer to it as "Source". In essence, whether you refer to this higher creative power as "God", "Source", "The Universe" or whatever else, it has to be said that there is something out there that we are all connected to and can thus tap into.

What this has to do with you question of "Why", you need to connect with this power from within. Taking an introspective look at your own reality will provide you with the answers.

The saying is true, "You only get what you give." And so the energy you give is what you get in like form. So if we're giving off negativity, whether that be by complaining, focusing more on the undesirable things in our lives or by expressing jealousy or envy of others who are from our perspective "better off" than us, then we will attract the same negativity into our lives. However, if we give off positivity, by expressing gratitude for everything we receive, looking for the good in the so-called bad experiences in our lives, being truly joyful when we see others receive goodness, then we will attract the same into our lives.

I'd highly recommend you read "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles, "The Secret" and "The Power" by Rhonda Byrnes. You will find the answers to your "Why" question in them. Incidentally, you can also watch The Secret on DVD.

I wish you every success in your quest for the answers you seek.

RE: why

by Anonymous - 12/15/11 1:44 PM
I should of died ten times in my life, I should of been born, I was told to my parents I was a miss carriage twice, after my mom was in labor with me for 20 hours I was to be pronounced dead only to be breathing later, I then got in a car crash where we floors over several times only to walkout with a scratch, I then was told I have a heart condition called WPW (wolf parkison white) where I was a one in a billion case because of how severe my case was, I should of been dead for all m life, I was 14 and I needed immediate surgical procedure or else I would have go into cardiac arrest, which I was but I prayed to god if I am to die then make it quick, I somehow escaped out of cardiac arrest before I hit the ground because I fainted, ive had ambulances called before because I thought I was having a heart attack. Which I kinda was. But I wa always told I was to young and nothing was wrong with me. It's all in my head when all my life I had suffered from it, but then a small clinic was able to see it. So how can you say theres no god, when a 15 year old kid(me) knows for a fact there is a god. maybe the reason god is not there for you is because you've never truly understood his power, grace and forgiveness. Please take time to yourself to think about it, and then embrace the power of the lord, and that even as you walk into the valley of death that he will be there watching you and loving you. After all you are his child

RE: why

by Anonymous - 6/01/12 7:29 AM
God put you there because he knows you can handle it. Also you are there to help those you are around. Not to Judge them but to build them up in Love and Fine Works. Life is a test, its not were he put you that matters its how you handle it. He is watching, Make him proud.

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